الصـدق ينجيــك

يحكى أن أبا يزيد البسطامي الصوفي، أراد الذهاب إلى بغداد لطلب العلم، فأعطته أمه أربعين ديناراً هي ميراثه من أبيه، وقالت له ضع يدك في يدي، وعاهدني على التزام الصدق فلا تكذب أبداً، فعاهدها على ذلك، وخرج مع قافلة يريد بغداد، وفي أثناء الطريق، خرج اللصوص ونهبوا كل ما في القافلة، ورأوا البسطامي رث الثياب، فقالوا:‏ ‏ هل معك شيء؟ فقال:‏ ‏ معي أربعون ديناراً، فسخروا منه وحسبوا أنه أبله وتركوه، ورجعوا إلى كهف كان به كبير اللصوص، ينتظر ما يأتون به، فلما رآهم قال:‏ ‏ هل أخذتم كل ما في القافلة، قالوا:‏ ‏ نعم، إلا رجلاً سألناه عما معه، فقال:‏ ‏ معي أربعون ديناراً، فتركناه احتقاراً لشأنه، ونظن أن به خبلاً في عقله، فقال:‏ ‏ عليّ به، فلما حضر بين يديه، قال:‏ ‏ هل معك شيء، فقال:‏ ‏ نعم معي أربعون ديناراً، قال:‏ ‏ أين هي؟ فأخرجها وسلمها له، فقال كبير اللصوص:‏ ‏ أمجنون أنت يا رجل؟ كيف ترشد عن نقودك وتسلمها باختيارك؟ فقال له:‏ ‏ لما أردت الخروج من بلدي، عاهدت أمي على الصدق، فأنا لا أنقض عهد أمي، فقال كبير اللصوص:‏ ‏ لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله، أنت تخاف أن تخون عهد أمك، ونحن لا نخاف أن نخون عهد الله، ثم أمر برد جميع ما أخذ من القافلة، وقال:‏ ‏ أنا تائب على يديك يا رجل، فقال من معه:‏ ‏ أنت كبيرنا في قطع الطريق، واليوم أنت كبيرنا في التوبة، تبنا جميعاً إلى الله، وتابوا توبتهم. ‏

The Truth Saves You. (close translation)

It was narrated that Abu-Yaziid Albastami Alsoufi wanted to go to Baghdad to seek knowledge. His mother gave him 40 Dinars, his share that he inherited from his father. She then told him put your hand in my hand and promise me by a covenant that you will keep to the truth and you will never lie. He promised her and he took off with a caravan to Baghdad. On the way there, a gang of thieves stopped them and they took everything from the caravan. Then they saw Albastami with worn out clothes. They asked him: "Do you have anything?" He said: "I have 40 Dinars." They laughed at him and they thought he was stupid and they left him. They went back to a cave where their leader was waiting for them. When he saw them he asked: "Did you take everything the caravan carried?" They said: "Yes, except for a poor man; we asked him what he had and he said he had 40 Dinars. We left him, we thought low of him, and we thought he had something wrong with his brain. He said: "Bring him to me." When Albastami came, he asked him: "Do you have anything?" He said: "Yes, I have 40 Dinars." "Where is it?" asked the leader. Albastami took it out and handed it over. The leader of the gang said: "Man, are you cazy? How do you show me where your money is and you hand it to me willingfully?" He told him: "When I wanted to leave my town, I promised my mother by a covenant to say only the truth. I don't want to brake the covenant of my mother." Then the gang leader said: "La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah. (There is no will and no power except by Allah) You are afraid of breaking the covenant of your mother and we are not afraid to break the covenant of Allah." Then he ordered the return of everything that was taken from the caravan, and he said: "I am repenting to Allah because of you." Then the gang members said to the leader: "You are our leader in robbing caravans, and today you are our leader in repentence. We repent to Allah, all of us." And they all repented and left the robbery.